Subject Link 3
주제별 통합교과 과정을 바탕으로 사고력을 길러주는 리딩 교재
대상 | Low Intermediate, Intermediate |
출시일 | 2013.10 |
개정판 출시 | 개정판 보기 |
저자 | Shawn Depress, Keeran Murphy |
페이지수 | 122 |
ISBN | 978-89-6694-961-8 |
구성(부록) | Student Book, Workbook, Audio CD |
Chapter 1 Eyes Lesson 1 Twice as Good! Lesson 4 A Workout for Your Eyes Chapter 2 Ice Lesson 5 When Water Freezes, It Grows! Lesson 6 Our Amazing Alaska Vacation! Lesson 7 The Best Fathers in Antarctica Lesson 8 An Exciting Icy Race Chapter 3 Milk Lesson 9 Mammals and Mothers’ Milk Lesson 10 How Does Milk Get to Us? Lesson 11 Making Delicious Cottage Cheese at Home Lesson 12 The Missing Children Milk Carton Program Chapter 4 Time Lesson 13 Where Did Our Calendar Come from? Lesson 14 Telling Time before Watches Lesson 15 Jean de Mairan’s Amazing Discovery Lesson 16 The Mysterious Paintings of Salvador Dali |
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